Name: Albert Urmanov
Country: Germany
Online Portfolio:
3D model:
Adhelin is a young elven girl.
She was born in a nobel family but then something happened and she has lost her family.
The people started to look at elfs with disrespect and she had to learn how to survive in a harsh
She learned how to hunt monsters and sell their “soul stones”. Now she is doing that for a living.
Even though she does not like her job, she has become a professional. Because people dislike elves,
she has to hide her elven features, otherwise she may end up with very little money for a new soul stones she could get by hard work.
The blue jacket is her fathers hunting jacket. It is the only thing left from her family. She cares it in every hunt because she believes it brings
her luck and she cares about it, patches up all holes caused by time and every day huntings.
This illustration is a character exploration concept.