Subscription Confirmed

Your Boonika Newsletter subscription is now confirmed. Please, continue reading.

  1. If you are a professional freelance artist, you can apply for profile HERE.
  2. Free downloads are available on this link. The link and the password change every now and then, but the correct ones will always be available in the latest newsletter. You can also get it upon request. Just email us or DM us on Discord.
  3. All the future information about how and where to access free downloads, as well as some other free content, will only be shared with Boonika Network Newsletter subscribers, usually in the most recent newsletter. You won’t be able to access it directly from our website.
  4. Don’t forget to join Boonika Network community Discord. If you are interested in 2D and 3D tools for digital artists, join Boonika Art Tools Discord as well.
  5. We care about keeping your Inbox clean from all the unwanted information coming from us. Also, it is important for us to send news and updates only to those who find them useful. Eventually, all inactive subscribers will be removed from our mailing lists, so make sure to open our messages every now and then if you want to stay in the loop.

Thank you 🙂

Boonika Network Team