IFCC Academy Live Workshops

The content below was originally published at thegameworkshop.net

IFCC Academy 3 workshops - The Game Workshop

With 2017 IFCC is expanding its activities to include live education seminars that will be taking place prior or after the main festival program. These IFCC Academy Workshops will feature prominent industry figures that will teach and work with a smaller group of attendees. The smaller workshop classes will ensure a more personal approach the lecturer can take with every student, directly concentrating on individual needs, while also handling group dynamics in a more focused manner.

As you are by now accustomed, IFCC programs are always presented by trade pros that have proven their worth by achieving impressive results in the business. The IFCC Academy Workshops will not be an exception. For starters, we thought you’d like to learn from concept artist Jama Jurabaev, whose work is renowned in both the gaming and film industries. Jama’s workshop titled „Concept Art 360“, will feature in depth coverage of various techniques and approaches to achieve maximum creative effect while boosting your 2D and 3D skills to create nextgen concept art.

After you have mastered all the lessons under knowledgeable tutelage of master Jama, you should check out 2D video game animator and UX/UI designer Renaud Forestié. Renaud is passionate about grids, responsive design, typography and crafting optimized structures that tickles fancies. His interest in a gratifying user experience and video games had him create his own studio – More Mountains. The studio’s flagship assets are the Corgi Engine, the Infinite Runner Engine and Nice Touch.  You may have heard or used some them.

This three-headed Ghidora monster of a workshop series is completed with Aris Kolokontes. This crafty Greek turned his fascination with creatures, make up and FX from a hobby into a profession. Aris’s lecture will include the process of coming up with the subject, sculpting him/her and painting. Whether you work with clay, latex, silicone or resin, this workshop will demonstrate an obtainable professional approach to transforming your ideas into tangible reality.

The IFCC team is very excited to see all of our Workshop tutors in action, and hope to see you in class, as well as your work after working under tutelage of these outstanding craftsmen.

The number of seats per workshop is strictly limited. If you are interested in partaking in one of our brand spanking new IFCC Academy Workshops please go HERE and sign up. Life’s full of chances. These are three that will surely enhance your knowledge and favor in the movie and gaming industry.

All three workshops and instructors are presented in more detail, with relative references if you follow the individual links below.

JAMA’S WORKSHOP >> http://ifcc-academy.com/jama-jurabaev-workshop/

RENAUD’S WORKSHOP >> http://ifcc-academy.com/renaud-forestie-workshop/

ARIS’S WORKSHOP >> http://ifcc-academy.com/workshop-aris-kolokontes/

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