TEGN – Book One

The content below was originally published at thegameworkshop.net

366 days, 366 sketches telling 366 stories, some smaller, some greater.

First shared with the community online, and now as a series of beautiful books: TEGN – Book One – By Even Mehl Amundsen will be the first of three books featuring the journeys and stories that came about as the result of a decision on the first day of the year: “Draw something today, and the next day and the next” and soon the doodles took on a life of their own, summoning up grand adventures and ideas for a world emerging slowly from the mists of imagination.

The book will be in the classic A4 Format and have 160 pages of the TEGN storyline. There will also be pages with extra content. The final version will be a half-linen hardcover book with leather texture cover finish and a body printed on 150g matte paper. In addition to the book we will have tiers that include prints and bookmarks. We will offer a few limited tiers, such as signed copies and a premium handmade version of TEGN – Book One.

Since all content and layout has already been produced and edited, all we have to do now is order the print run. To have maximum control over the project, all our products will be made in Germany and stored in our Berlin warehouse. The warehouse belongs to our shipping partner Figuya who have considerable experience with crowdfunding projects, such as the Minotaura figurine project.

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