Lancebook – a better freelance directory

We’ll also talk about Henrik Rosenborg a bit, but please don’t tell him. OK?

(free) + LANCE + BOOK = LANCEBOOK is a directory of freelance artists, designers and other creators, curated by the members of Boonika Network and maintained by WPBrush. Of course, this concept is nothing new to Boonika Network subscribers. Many of you remember Boonika Pro Pages where a few dozen of you have already listed your services. Well, guess what – Lancebook is the new and improved version of Boonika Pro Pages. This means that your old Pro Page profile has been transferred to, a much better home for your creations.


Although you can’t access individual Boonika Pro profiles in their full glory anymore, it is still interesting to compare the listings on both sites (yes, we’ll keep the old one alive for just a little bit). As you can see a lot has changed when it comes to UI and UX. Random visitors can still use the search function and see who is on the list, but it is not possible to preview galleries or videos. Browsing through topics (skills, daily rates… etc.) is also very limited. Why is that?

No. 1 PRIORITY – PROTECTION (of your creations)

We don’t have to talk too much about how important it is to protect your art and design. Not only from AI bots, but also from any humans with bad intentions. In the end, who is (still) controlling the AI, right?

But, with or without AI, stealing from you or helping you out, you’re here to make money by doing what you like. That’s why Lancebook is a platform oriented towards those who hire artists, not the artists themselves. Those folks will get access so they can examine your profile and get in touch with you – directly. To do that, they’ll have to get verified and that’s what the Lancebook service is all about.

No. 2 PRIORITY – PROMOTION (of your services)

It goes without saying – no one will find you if no one is looking for you. Lancebook team will try hard to bring recruiters, art agents and all sorts of clients to yours and the profiles of your fellow artists. It will require a lot of effort but it wouldn’t be fun if it didn’t. If you would like to work closer with the Lancebook team, it is also an option.


Now, as an example, let’s take an amazing artist who goes by the name of HENRIK ROSENBORG. Sounds so powerful, right? It’s like thunder. Anyway, let’s say there’s a recruiter who is looking for a top illustrator to design some amazing colorful monsters for his client’s book. Something like AD&D Monster Manual. Of course, we know that Henrik is the right guy for it, but the recruiter doesn’t know he even exists. He uses the search option and – BAAAM! Among all the thumbnails, he just knows, oh yes, he is 100% certain that our hero, Henrik ROSENBORG (AC/DC plays in the background) is the one. He must be. 

BUT, here comes the twist, that noble recruiter is actually a bot that is just trying to spam our poor hero Henrik. However, and here comes another twist, he can’t because he first needs to get approved, otherwise he won’t be able to get in touch with the son of thunder and paint.

If in the end that bot manages to convince the experienced Lancebook crew that he’s not actually a bot but rather an old lady with a cherry pie baked for our boy Henrik, then yes, the message will go through.

You get the picture. Anyway, go and see how things look atm, let us know if you find any bugs so they can be fixed before the official launch which should be sometimes next week.

If you’re not already listed on Lancebook pages, go ahead and fill out…

That’s all for today! 😉

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